
Overview of trip so far

Hopefully more detailed posts later. But I should at least get down what I've done so far in a basic form.

View Post Quick update for any that are interested. I've travelled for a month now, and driven about 2000 miles (definitely taking my time).

I've gone from SLC to Great Basin National Park, Reno, San Fran, Portland, Coeur D'Alene, Billings, and now here in freezing Deadwood. Favorite card rooms so far include Oaks Card Room and pretty much everywhere here in Deadwood (where I am right now). Most scenic part of the country so far is northern california and northern idaho/western montana. San Franscico is an incredible city. I'm seriously considering paying the high rent and moving there. Portland is pretty cool, but definitely lesser. Least favorite places are Billings and Eugene Oregon. They are both depressing.

Deadwood, where I'm at now, is probably my new favorite place to play poker. The games are loose, the people are a bit crazy, and its fun as hell. Too bad its insanely cold right now. It should warm up by Monday/Tuesday and then I'll go camp in the black hills and check out mt. rushmore. Afterwards, I plan on making it to Chicago and then turning around and heading back to SLC. I'm running a bit low on funds and need to play it a bit safe unfortunately.


That feeling.

You're scared to talk to this girl. She's beautiful, shockingly beautiful, haunting your mind with her effortless perfection.

Sad thing is, she's not much different than any other girl. But that feeling you have that she is incredibly valuable...that feeling is not a lie. It is the truth. It is the concealed truth that harms women even more than men. This truth is that young women are the pinnacle of human male achievement.

Young beautiful women are the prime movers in life. They are what money moves around for. Why men work for 80 hours a week in shitty jobs they hate. Why power is sought. Why bridges are built and railroads traversed. Men die for them.

It's based in evolution. Why this is the case is an easily answered question obvious to any who purse it genuinely.

The saddest thing is that women pursue their careers and their egos at the expense of their youth. And when they are 35 and looking to settle down they wonder why they don't get as much attention as they used to. Men don't care about money or status. These are the things men obtain to get young beautiful women. So an older woman with these things isn't worth nearly as much as the young penniless stupid beautiful woman.

And this lie pervades this society. And so many go into middle age in misery. Tricked by the lies. Confronted by the truth. Miserable and bitter.

And the young woman's value is lost forever to the minds of this current insane generation. A generation of fools. The women are at most cost. Selling themselves off cheaply like whores. Because they don't know any better. It's a sad age for gender relations as a whole. A very sad age.

A post made while drinking Pliny the Elder

I drove to Reno across the nations loneliest road. It's a nice catch phrase. But it makes it a sound a bit more epic than it really was. Sure, I saw very little in terms of passenger cars and vegetation. But it wasn't too long, and it was certainly engaging. It's not nearly such a desolate drive as one might think. It was over, honestly, a little too quickly for my tastes. Sometimes I wish I could just drive that road for a long, long time. Without a care whatsoever about any other human being. My own safety or ego or even my own self like a reflection caught in a glimpse in the mirror that I don't try to worry too much about. Nothing but road hypnosis and music. I don't care for much in this life besides music.

Reno was treacherous. I stayed at the Grand Sierra Resort. Like a burning monument in the concrete sand it stood, it's silly stretched acronymic logo greeting me as I finally found the place. I got a good deal at hotwire, as I usually do. Poker room was small and operational. I played. And I got very drunk that first night. My first experience with white russians very well might be my last. The fools playing against me in NLH were helpless. I love playing NLH drunk. I am just too good at the game. Usually the nights run long and the games run short. I might be against 3-4 sober players thinking they have the fish cornered. I have never, ever lost any significant money on these nights. And I have won decently. Perhaps not optimal, but I get action that I never would get before. I somehow become the hustler. It's a glorious thing and I'm very glad for it. Waking up the next morning with a hole in my bankroll would be brutal. But I am an operational poker playing drunk, thank god.

I stay there for a few more nights and break even. Play some limit holdem without knowing how. Stupid but educational. Leave to go to S.F. at 1 am and end up sleeping at a rest area past truckee for 4 hours before continuing. There is a first for everything.

San Fransisco lay ahead.


A long time coming.

It is with great shame that I finally click the new post button. After being on my road trip for no less than 16 days, I have finally emerged from my sanctuary of laziness and will now dispense an account of my doings during this time. "Oh, you'll see," I told my friends convincingly and earnestly. "You'll see that I will update my blog on a regular basis, and thanks to this great accomplishment you will be able to keep track of all my doings during this chaotic and exciting time."

Well, I was clearly full of '10 PBR's the night before' shit before. But now, the shit has passed through. And an update or two will occur.

Day 1. Saturday Sep 12. Wendover. Played at the Rainbow Casino. Played waaaay out of my bankroll at a 2/5 NL game. You know, when you need a bigger bankroll and the downside to losing isn't the end of the world...playing out of your bankroll isn't the worst idea. In fact, as long as you can keep your composure, it is just what you need to do to prop yourself up to a more stable condition. And that's exactly what happened. I played well, got lucky as hell, and ended up improving my financial condition considerably. I slept well.

On Sunday I traveled to Great Basin National Park. The drive was fairly short but I enjoyed it. Nevada is a beautiful and desolate place. On arriving at Great Basin, I immediately went into the park and headed out on a hike for my first backpacking experience of the trip. It was my first time doing any such thing alone. And I didn't have any light at night because I forgot batteries. lulz. But despite all that, it was a great night in a beautiful place. Great Basin Park reminds me of home...the high altitude desert area is something common to the areas around salt lake city. I highly recommend the park to anyone that wants to get away...solitude and beauty is very easy to find there.

After my night alone, my friend Steve met me at a little restaurant called the Letrolux cafe in the tiny town of Baker right outside the park. Finding a place with the liqour selection that Letrolux offers in a town of 75 was pretty flabbergasting. I was immensely pleased sipping my lagunitas IPA as I waited for Steve to arrive. The next few days with Steve went by too quickly. We took a few short but great hikes in the park, seeing the oldest trees in the world (bristle cone pines). Checked out the Lehman Caves which were short but impressive. Even did a little bushwhacking up the hill next to our campsite. Overall, it was a great 4 days and I wouldn't have minded staying even longer. The amount of enjoyment that came from that mini-trip was pretty astounding, especially considering it cost basically nothing except food, water, and gas.

That's it for now. Unfortunately, It's checkout time here in Santa Rosa, CA. Heading North today. Looking forward to the redwoods. And Ft. Bragg which I hear has some beautiful area nearby and a nice garden. It also has a nice brewery. Will update the blog with Loneliest Road in America/Reno/S.F. Hopefully shortly. love peace chicken grease


Vegas Ends

Lack any sort of creative spark for writing, but I figure I should at least get down the basics of what occurred in Vegas and perhaps learn from the mere experience of putting it down on blog.

First: The trip was immensely solipsistic. Being alone in Vegas is a bit of a soul crushing experience. Everything in Vegas is opposed to the solo traveler. The drunken idiots stumbling about everywhere with their drunken friends, even the families, even the hookers, they all leave one with a sense of utterly irrevocable loneliness. The few times I stumbled home drunk myself, alone like an incredible idiot, I realized that the point of Vegas is not to be in Vegas, but to do silly things with your friends in Vegas. So, the city held basically nothing for me except poker.

As poker took hold as the only thing in my life, I began to lose hold of myself when I started to lose. I lost patience and played even worse. I always overthought live poker, but it got even worse as I started to lose more. Most importantly, I couldn't cope with the losses like I could with online play. In online play perhaps I would play for a few hours, lose some money, and then get my mind off of it by doing other things, relying on the support of my native city and friends and doing so quite easily and naturally. Unfortunately, in Vegas I had no such recourse. Thus I found myself constantly within myself...moping, analyzing, and losing the spirit that I had when I first embarked on this trip. I became negative towards myself and my game, and this had crippling effects on the rest of the trip.

Now I stand home, a poorer but wiser man. I'm not sure how I will cope with losing in live play while I am traveling, if I still end up going on my road trip that is. But I realize I need to take breaks, relax more, and do whatever I need to do to keep my head up high. All that said...I'm not sure if I actually can do that. Right now, I feel quite low. My hopes for the trip have diminished. My future looks a bit bleak. I worry happiness is not something I will aquire anytime soon.

Friends and Women are the two final pieces to this puzzle. I can be happy being alone and successful. Especially if I can successfully embark on creative endeavors alongside poker or whatever means for money making I can find. But it's certainly not the peak of my condition. I need friends, a strong group of friends that allows comraderie and allows me to escape outside of myself. I have no clue how I will find such a group, or how long it will take. What is certain is that on this trip, I will be without it, and that can be very hard to take. This trail of thought haunts me.

I have no prospects regarding women. I don't have any optimism for the future in that regard. This trail of thought haunts me the most. I will have to become incredibly self-realized and successful to be able to live a life without companionship and to be happy with my life at all. My hopes are dimmed signficiantly.

Finally, I lack money for the trip and I can't play poker at my parents house like I planned. This is bad news. I am almost seriously considering installing a separate connection, but that would rqeuire a much longer stay at my parents than I was previously considering. Unfortunately, money concerns might force the issue. I might also move to bountiful and play there, but it is likely my sister would not be incredibly pleased with that turn of events. It is certain that I would be not too pleased, as Park City has beautiful weather to offset the loneliness and boredom...bountiful has mandarin chinese food and that's it.

The future is a bit bleak, but, things change...both world and perception change.


Vegas Thus Far

Now: At Tuscany. Recovering from a cold. Poker has been rough the last few days playing sick and mostly online.

The trip thus far: Every hand I get dealt is more experience of myself and the other. I have pretty much immunized myself to live play, for the most part, keeping my heart rate down and not really worrying about the outcome of events. I'm trying to get in the business of faking tells more than I actually have them. The games are not really easy per se, but the players are too loose and have a few fundamental flaws. They bet too often to see where they are at. Semi-bluff raising is very profitable post flop in 2/5 games. Overall I am certainly a winning player in these games.

I have played some PLO and have found that the basic strategy of draw to the nuts is incredibly powerful against the weak opposition. This is an easy, easy game to play profitably live from what I can tell. Of course, it still has that sick variance thing going on.

Getting sick really dampened the whole vegas experience. I was just getting into the groove, my live game becoming more powerful, more comfortable, and then all of the sudden I was struck by a cold and had to put things on the backburner for a while. This also involved me paying for the internet much more than I would have liked to. I am embarassed to admit how much I've spent on the internet thus far in vegas. Damn 14 dollar a day fees.

Psychologically I am dealing ok with the loneliness of being here. Holding up quite well in fact. Having a cell phone is very nice. Travelling will be a much different story. I wonder if it will be more taxing? Or maybe less so. I suppose I'll find out.

Unfortunately, when you have no friends it makes the emptiness of not having any sex or women in life even more apparent. Vegas is a strange place for that, a sort of surreal environment where I don't feel like the women around me exist as real human beings but rather as charactatures. So I guess I don't really feel any opportunities in that department. But I, as always, try my best to ignore that, as I simply do not have the game necessary to attract women successfully in any short-term environment. So I just try to exist and move day by day without concerning myself with this. But, that doesn't change the fact that every day I think about it, and every night I feel a sense of nihilism and wastefulness to my life. The genetics are torn. There's the intelligent/adapative side of me which pushes me away from women, and the fundamental basic side which of course pushes me towards them at all costs. The intelligent side reigns but not without severe costs to my happiness level and perhaps overall sanity.

This, I think, will get easier when I start travelling. If I can keep my brain occupied with different surroundings constantly I think I can keep it less occupied on women or my lack of them.


A Hand at the Rio

An interesting hand occurred last night playing 2/5 NL at the Rio last night.

I have 750 and everyone has me covered. Preflop there's a button straddle, a raise to 35, and 2 callers before me. I have 79 of clubs one off the button and call. Button straddle calls.

Flop comes 254 two clubs. Checked around to button, who bets 80 into a 180 dollar pot. All folds to me. I call out of position heads up with the button.

Turn comes the 3 of not clubs but presenting another flush draw. I check. Button checks.

At this point I feel like the possibility of him having a straight is fairly low.

River is a probable blank, a jack that completes no flushes. I think about betting for a moment, but decide that such a bet would likely be called very light, and I suppose it's possible he does have an ace, or possibly a set he simply won't fold. I check to him, and he bets 220. At this point my shit detector is ringing loud and clear.

Against a good player in a 400NL online game I would simply give up at this point. He knows everything that has transpired leads me to believe he's full of shit. He would likely call me down here with as a low two pair simply because there's no reason for him to believe that I have anything, and he knows I could be making a play on the river.

Against a below average player, a reshove over the top on the river might be mandatory. He's shown little strength over the course of the hand and he's not going to call a reshove without a straight. His thought process will likely not extend past the point of 'I'm not calling another 400 with a set on that board'.

However, in this live game to which I was fairly new, all I knew was that I was against a loose french player with a very large stack in front of him. And perhaps he was the type to call down very light simply because he was a fish (even worse than the below average player above!). So I reluctantly mucked my nothing hand in this spot due to a lack of a read on my opponent, even though it was very unlikely that he had a straight. An Ace straight is possible, but I also believe that given the two flush draws he would probably bet the ace on the turn.

He showed T8 no flush draw for absolutely nothing after he folded. I told him he had the best hand and that it was a nice value bet. He got up one orbit later and the whole table left with him. Damn.


Vegas and South Point

Hit Arizona just as the sun was about to set. The drive was even more awe-inspiring than usual. The 20 miles through Arizona earns a very good 4/5 rating when it comes to 'whoa' factor. Life is good when you come out of there. Not only have you just had a great experience driving through those buttes or whatever they are, you are all of the sudden only an hour away from your final destination. Cheers!

South Point Review:

South Point seems to be sort of an enigma. I'm not sure why it exists exactly, to be honest. Totally insulated from anything interesting whatsoever, its ridiculously reasonable room rates are certainly the prime reason to come down here. In fact, everything is very reasonably priced as far as I can tell. The buffet is a decent value at 15 bucks for dinner. There's a gift shop where you can buy liqour and other essentials (har har) for normal prices. Normal. Prices. Where the hell am I? The rooms are spacious and quite nice, although I'm pissed that there's no fridge.

As for the casino: There's 100% return 25 cent 6/9 jacks or better. That's all I know. Pretty cool. But the high stakes machines are 5/8. Meh. I was hoping for 6/8 at least. Other than that there are no jacks or better machines that I can find. And since that's all I do in casinos, that's that.

Poker is small and easily accessible. 1/2 NL and 2/5 limit are the only games offered. The atmosphere is subdued and almost boring. This is clearly more of a family establishment, and you'll get alot of dads who are doing their 'I'm being a man by playing poker even though I'm absolutely terrible at it' thing. Which I quite enjoy. But I do miss the younger and rowdier crowdes that you'll find at mandalay bay/planet hollywood/caesar's.

To finish off this brief review of South Point, I will have to Point out that it's very far South of the strip. 5 miles or something. There is no shuttle. Cab rides will eat you alive if you want to go to the strip every day. This place is for those with vehicles. Unfortunately, it's so fucking hot down here that there's no way I want to even get in my car until 10 at night. So this is very problematic. I think I'll pass on staying here during the summer from now on. But any other season, this is definitely up there in my prefered hotels in Vegas. 4/5 overall rating for the South Point. Cheers!

Next stop to play Poker? Well, I guess I'll have to check out the ridiculousness at the Rio. Wish me luck.


Why leave?

I'm bored. I'm lonely. I need a reset button. I need to grow as a person.
I have too many bad habits that I can't break unless I leave.

It's not because I don't value my friends. I wonder if they feel that way, and if so if I could change that perception. Words probably wouldn't be enough. But, truthfully, I think I have been disconnecting myself a little bit from everyone I know. I guess, maybe, it's a defense mechanism to deal with going off on my own.

I can't stay here. I'll just get old and die and do nothing and feel miserable. I don't understand how anyone can do it. I think it's alot easier to do if you have a large circle of close friends, close ties to family, or a committed relationship. So maybe I should be thankful for not having these things, because maybe I'm driven to make something more of myself that some people never feel the need to do.


I'm going to miss my cat

In the process of moving out now. Had a solid going away party thing. Probably got too drunk to properly give props to my very excellent friends.

Surprisingly, I really miss my cat. She wasn't mine precisely, but I basically owned her for a year. And it was really just me and her in this little basement apartment most of the time. I'm actually a little heart broken. I feel like this apartment just isn't the same without her dumb little meows and cute playfulness, and I'm glad I'm leaving.

I think the amount of attachment I had to the cat really correlates with my lack of attachment to others, lack of being able to form such an attachment, along side not having a girlfriend over the course of the last year. It's probably kind of pathetic, but I don't really care. I can have some compassion for myself at this juncture.

I'll miss you, ya silly cat.


Something to avoid

It's not hard to avoid. But for those who have no idea how female sexual attraction works, those who are hopelessly pathetic, passive, and beta...well, they're doomed to hilarious failure.


Marriage Checklist

I think marriage is a terrible deal for beta males at the current time. So, in response, I'm going to have some fun and list my insane unrealistic expectations that must be met in order to ever bite the bullet and go for the provider-male role.

Divorce rates are insanely high, and women are cheating just as much as men are these days. While I do not condone male cheating, female cheating is more damaging to relationships for reasons that can be easily explained in evo. psych. If a women gets pregnant by another man other than her provider husband, this is the equivalency of grand larceny and parasitism on horribly high level. The man may be tricked into wasting his life supporting two parasites, and does not reproduce himself dying a genetic death. Obviously, men are not going to like that very much. They'll freak out if they find out too late. Murder/suicides occur. Bad shit. Oh, and by the way, if this occurs and you divorce, the woman will still be entitled to child support (if you have already been raising the child for a period of time) and half your estate.

Men cheating is bad, but not as bad. There is no risk that amounts to the cuckolds equivalent. A woman cannot waste her resources raising a child that isn't hers. However, it still breaks trust and the agreement of marriage. You can also spread STDs unknowingly which is really nasty shit to do to a partner. Anyways, this may result in a poisonous emotional separation, although not as fatal one to marriage as female cheating is. Actually, I would guess that many women sunconsciously will stay with cheaters if they exhibit alpha behavior (cheating itself is a little alpha but not necessarily. Definitely depends on how hot your mistress is). Of course if you are a beta cheating your ass is likely on the curb.

Anyways, without further ado, marriage checklist:

1) Above minimum threshold of attractiveness. Consistently works out. Not obsessively, but habitually, so it will continue into the future. Note that I do not have any aspirations to marry a 9 or 10 when it comes to looks. Even if it were possible, I think that these marriages in this day and age are very likely to end in failure. She simply has way too many options available to her constantly presented to her with pretty much no down-side for cheating and taking them. To be honest, I would choose someone closer to the minimum threshold then the maximum level, as long as they keep themselves fit and should age relatively well (as far as women age). Many women fit this requirement, perhaps approaching 50% in my general age group, at least in western U.S. cities that I have experience with.

2) She needs to be younger than me. If I got married now, I would be fine with a similar aged women (22-24 being ideal, younger is fraught with peril). But I am assuming that I will not be getting married til 30+. In this case, 23 is still ideal, but the range would extend upwards considering how old I am. If I am 30, then 22-27 is reasonable. If I am 35, then 23-29. If I am 40, well I'll be reasonable and push up my minimum a touch to 25-31.

The reason for this is simple. Women don't age well in the eyes of men. The thirties can be unkind to some (although some do well). But they almost always hit a massive brick wall at 40-45. This is easily explained evolutionarily (why would a group of women who universally can't bear children be attractive to men?). So the longer I am attracted to my wife, the better. Thus, the younger the better. Simple, effective. Younger than 22, and she is likely to be not well-adjusted enough, be more likely to cheat, divorce seems very likely and divorce is a very bad thing for men, so this is to be avoided at all costs. While it is true that the larger the gap means I am likely to die before she does, she will be able to take my estate and should have a solid family to help her out during that time.

3) Not a religious liberal. By this I mean unthinking believer in any liberal doctrine. Some amount of liberalism thought is fine, but it has to be tempered with a more holistic understanding of reality and the capability for rational debate and change in perspective. For instance, she needs to be able to understand that genetics do play a role in how people turn out. We can argue to the extent, and that's wonderful. But if she, for example, religiously believes that human biodiversity simply doesn't exist and all people really are the same on the inside than it would be game over before it starts. This sort of worldview will infect everything this person touches and lead them to misery in the end due to it's unreality. I'd have to guess that, perhaps 40% of women are going to be off limits due to this. I do think that I could convince many with strong rational debate to change from their religious liberal views to a more realistic one, however, so lets downgrade to 30%.

Note that bigoted people are not acceptable in similar fashion. I simply assume they won't be to be honest though. I have yet to meet a woman who was bigoted against any group (other than heterosexual white men. I kid. Sort of.) in my social groups thus far. I connect with higher IQ groups in general (people consistently over 100 no doubt), and bigotry is certainly inversely correlated with IQ. But if I did, it would be a deal breaker, because that's simply stupid. That said, stereotyping is not necessarily bigotry but can be adaptive behavior.*

4) Not religious. This is important. I find that people in general fall more and more into their religion as they age, likely because they come closer to death and want to find comfort. Or perhaps for social reasons. Whichever, I am very aware of the fact that there could be rising conflict towards myself and a religious person as we both age. I at this point cannot see myself being amenable to participating in any religious upbringing of children. That is going to be a big problem because it means, right off the bat, 80%+ of women are not going to work for me.

5) Personality. Must be well-balanced and mature. Not manic-depressive or on a ton of medication. Going to see a therapist is fine, as long as it shows you are willing to improve your character instead of simply looking for someone to bitch to and easy answers. More honest than your average woman, although I don't have huge expectations for this, at least if you consider lying by omission a breach of honesty (this is common amongst both genders, but more common with women in my experience). Is not likely to cheat, or breach contract regarding marriage lightly. Will be a good mother. I think this is something that can be improved and must be looked at in the long-view, so I will keep an open mind and look at trends regarding this more than any brief snapshot. This, I believe, is the aspect that requires at least a 6 month period of analysis.

A year is safer.

2 years might be a better idea.

Actually, lets just not get married after all, I don't really see the upside.

Anyways, as we can see, I'm going to have become a total badass to be able to attract enough women to finally sort through enough to start considering marriage. So I'll have to work on that.

*It is the moral element, and the belief of necessary ascription of negative characteristics onto individuals without room for change, that is unrealistic and incorrect. Believing that the black guy, simply because he is black, irrevocably must be a criminal is stupid. This is bigotry. However, if you're in a bad part of town, and the black crime rate is significantly higher then the white crime rate, you should at least initially be more concerned that a random black guy will rob you than a random white guy. And you should avoid the 'blacker' part of town. 'But that's racist!' you whine. No. You do not ascribe any characteristics to this man as an individual. You simply act the best you can with the incomplete information you have at your disposal. Anything else is stupid and unadaptive behavior.

The end of western civilization. LOL, right?

From Novaseeker over on Roissy's blog. Note that Whiskey is a regular commentor; so nova is not, sadly enough, replying in part to a bottle of Knob Creek:

"Indeed, and well stated. However, I view this as more indicative of the double strategy that women have, in terms of sexual genetics: sperm from risky alphas, parental investment from stable betas. I think this is clear from the different kinds of men women are attracted to when they are fertile or not. Women are wired to be attracted to both kinds of men, BUT each for different reasons. Alphas for impregnation sex, and betas for “regular/bonding” sex to solidify the pair bond that is so important to raise healthy kids.

Of course that only works a long as women see a value in the pair bond. That value is slipping away, for the reasons Whiskey points out. When women begin to see less value in the pair bond as they do today (no economic need for most women to pair bond, and general cultural trashing of men as fathers coupled with overwhelming promotion of single motherhood), they will still mate with alphas for impregnation sex, but many will simply forgo the pair bonding sex with betas because they see no value in pair bonding. Clearly many women still DO see a value in pair bonding, which accounts for the persistence of the double strategy, but increasing (and getting rather large) numbers do not see much value in pair bonding and are refraining from it.

So I agree with what you wrote, but I don’t think it’s really inconsistent with what Whiskey is saying. We are in a transition phase — many women pair bond and many do not. The trend is towards the “not”, which is where Whiskey’s formulation comes into play."

It's very simple to see the problem with this, especially if one holds a more genetically determinisitic view. Traits that have been selected for in provider males are also the traits that allow society to function. Peace, Stability, Reliability, Nurturing and Altruisitic behavior are not things that the alpha-male type provides. He is egotistical and powerful always, sometimes powerful socially, other times simply violently. Amongst his primary characteristics is not giving a fuck about any women he screws.

Single mothers are first of all at an obvious disadvantage at raising their kids to begin with. But, they are much more likely to have a kid with more alpha-genes than provider genes. I would gather that this explains at least some proportion of the high criminality amongst kids raised by single moms. The rate of single mothers is rising very quickly due to the increasing imbalance of preference towards alpha-males described above. This is bad news for everyone. Even disregarding genetics, this reality makes men of any temperament much more likely to act as alpha-males (see game), 'pumping and dumping' women instead of getting into relationships with them. Men do what women train them to do to get laid.

All of this said, I hold out plenty of hope of finding reasonable, not totally brainwashed women who have some sort of personal balance and understanding of reality in their lives. I'm not a natural player and I don't particularly desire to be, but I can be trained to do that if I have to. At this point, I'm just trying to make myself as well-balanced and skillful as a person as I can be, so I can match any women with similar characteristics. But it very well might be a fool's errand. Time will tell.

Related Note: If you ever get married, figure out when your wife is ovulating and make sure to keep her very well occupied during that time. Pick this time to do exciting, more alpha-like activites, such as having sex in a semi-public place. Or go hiking and take her shirt off in the middle of the woods where she has no choice but you (but is still having fun regardless). Just, for fucks sake, don't be lazy and boring during this time. Or that could be game over for you.


Two Extremes

Multi-table grinding is impassionate and constant. It occupies your brain from start to finish with few moments available for retrospection. Opponents come and go, and if you don't have long-term history with them, they are just a collection of stats that inform your decisions. This is especially the case in full ring grinding. You learn about general situations, pot control, math, position. Impersonal information that undoubtedly makes you a stronger player regardless.

Heads up is dynamic and intense. It flows like a river, the psychological state of your opponent ebbing and flowing as current. You are either the master of the current, or you're drowning. You can learn immensly about the game via heads up play, but in many ways you learn more about your or your opponents psychology. In my opinion, heads up best teaches you how to think about the game correctly in any setting. However, any specific tactics that you learn in heads up must be quickly abandoned or toned down significantly (otherwise you're going to be calling people down with ace high way too often).

Having gone back to the basics and playing 9-12 tables of full ring, I've found the game to be very hard to relate to. The players are so different from what I'm used to in a six max setting. They aren't better or worse necessarily, but it's clear the full ring breeds different skillsets and strategies. Psychology is different. Leveling is different. Hand reading is difficult, when everything is so different from what you're used to.

While I love six max to death, full ring has much to teach as well, and I'm ready to learn. Learning is the key. While I may be a winner in these full ring games, am I winning as much as I could? Of course not. And the same goes for any game you're playing. Complacency is worthless, whether you are crushing the games or just squeaking by.