
The end of western civilization. LOL, right?

From Novaseeker over on Roissy's blog. Note that Whiskey is a regular commentor; so nova is not, sadly enough, replying in part to a bottle of Knob Creek:

"Indeed, and well stated. However, I view this as more indicative of the double strategy that women have, in terms of sexual genetics: sperm from risky alphas, parental investment from stable betas. I think this is clear from the different kinds of men women are attracted to when they are fertile or not. Women are wired to be attracted to both kinds of men, BUT each for different reasons. Alphas for impregnation sex, and betas for “regular/bonding” sex to solidify the pair bond that is so important to raise healthy kids.

Of course that only works a long as women see a value in the pair bond. That value is slipping away, for the reasons Whiskey points out. When women begin to see less value in the pair bond as they do today (no economic need for most women to pair bond, and general cultural trashing of men as fathers coupled with overwhelming promotion of single motherhood), they will still mate with alphas for impregnation sex, but many will simply forgo the pair bonding sex with betas because they see no value in pair bonding. Clearly many women still DO see a value in pair bonding, which accounts for the persistence of the double strategy, but increasing (and getting rather large) numbers do not see much value in pair bonding and are refraining from it.

So I agree with what you wrote, but I don’t think it’s really inconsistent with what Whiskey is saying. We are in a transition phase — many women pair bond and many do not. The trend is towards the “not”, which is where Whiskey’s formulation comes into play."

It's very simple to see the problem with this, especially if one holds a more genetically determinisitic view. Traits that have been selected for in provider males are also the traits that allow society to function. Peace, Stability, Reliability, Nurturing and Altruisitic behavior are not things that the alpha-male type provides. He is egotistical and powerful always, sometimes powerful socially, other times simply violently. Amongst his primary characteristics is not giving a fuck about any women he screws.

Single mothers are first of all at an obvious disadvantage at raising their kids to begin with. But, they are much more likely to have a kid with more alpha-genes than provider genes. I would gather that this explains at least some proportion of the high criminality amongst kids raised by single moms. The rate of single mothers is rising very quickly due to the increasing imbalance of preference towards alpha-males described above. This is bad news for everyone. Even disregarding genetics, this reality makes men of any temperament much more likely to act as alpha-males (see game), 'pumping and dumping' women instead of getting into relationships with them. Men do what women train them to do to get laid.

All of this said, I hold out plenty of hope of finding reasonable, not totally brainwashed women who have some sort of personal balance and understanding of reality in their lives. I'm not a natural player and I don't particularly desire to be, but I can be trained to do that if I have to. At this point, I'm just trying to make myself as well-balanced and skillful as a person as I can be, so I can match any women with similar characteristics. But it very well might be a fool's errand. Time will tell.

Related Note: If you ever get married, figure out when your wife is ovulating and make sure to keep her very well occupied during that time. Pick this time to do exciting, more alpha-like activites, such as having sex in a semi-public place. Or go hiking and take her shirt off in the middle of the woods where she has no choice but you (but is still having fun regardless). Just, for fucks sake, don't be lazy and boring during this time. Or that could be game over for you.

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