
That feeling.

You're scared to talk to this girl. She's beautiful, shockingly beautiful, haunting your mind with her effortless perfection.

Sad thing is, she's not much different than any other girl. But that feeling you have that she is incredibly valuable...that feeling is not a lie. It is the truth. It is the concealed truth that harms women even more than men. This truth is that young women are the pinnacle of human male achievement.

Young beautiful women are the prime movers in life. They are what money moves around for. Why men work for 80 hours a week in shitty jobs they hate. Why power is sought. Why bridges are built and railroads traversed. Men die for them.

It's based in evolution. Why this is the case is an easily answered question obvious to any who purse it genuinely.

The saddest thing is that women pursue their careers and their egos at the expense of their youth. And when they are 35 and looking to settle down they wonder why they don't get as much attention as they used to. Men don't care about money or status. These are the things men obtain to get young beautiful women. So an older woman with these things isn't worth nearly as much as the young penniless stupid beautiful woman.

And this lie pervades this society. And so many go into middle age in misery. Tricked by the lies. Confronted by the truth. Miserable and bitter.

And the young woman's value is lost forever to the minds of this current insane generation. A generation of fools. The women are at most cost. Selling themselves off cheaply like whores. Because they don't know any better. It's a sad age for gender relations as a whole. A very sad age.

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