
I'm going to miss my cat

In the process of moving out now. Had a solid going away party thing. Probably got too drunk to properly give props to my very excellent friends.

Surprisingly, I really miss my cat. She wasn't mine precisely, but I basically owned her for a year. And it was really just me and her in this little basement apartment most of the time. I'm actually a little heart broken. I feel like this apartment just isn't the same without her dumb little meows and cute playfulness, and I'm glad I'm leaving.

I think the amount of attachment I had to the cat really correlates with my lack of attachment to others, lack of being able to form such an attachment, along side not having a girlfriend over the course of the last year. It's probably kind of pathetic, but I don't really care. I can have some compassion for myself at this juncture.

I'll miss you, ya silly cat.

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