
Overview of trip so far

Hopefully more detailed posts later. But I should at least get down what I've done so far in a basic form.

View Post Quick update for any that are interested. I've travelled for a month now, and driven about 2000 miles (definitely taking my time).

I've gone from SLC to Great Basin National Park, Reno, San Fran, Portland, Coeur D'Alene, Billings, and now here in freezing Deadwood. Favorite card rooms so far include Oaks Card Room and pretty much everywhere here in Deadwood (where I am right now). Most scenic part of the country so far is northern california and northern idaho/western montana. San Franscico is an incredible city. I'm seriously considering paying the high rent and moving there. Portland is pretty cool, but definitely lesser. Least favorite places are Billings and Eugene Oregon. They are both depressing.

Deadwood, where I'm at now, is probably my new favorite place to play poker. The games are loose, the people are a bit crazy, and its fun as hell. Too bad its insanely cold right now. It should warm up by Monday/Tuesday and then I'll go camp in the black hills and check out mt. rushmore. Afterwards, I plan on making it to Chicago and then turning around and heading back to SLC. I'm running a bit low on funds and need to play it a bit safe unfortunately.


That feeling.

You're scared to talk to this girl. She's beautiful, shockingly beautiful, haunting your mind with her effortless perfection.

Sad thing is, she's not much different than any other girl. But that feeling you have that she is incredibly valuable...that feeling is not a lie. It is the truth. It is the concealed truth that harms women even more than men. This truth is that young women are the pinnacle of human male achievement.

Young beautiful women are the prime movers in life. They are what money moves around for. Why men work for 80 hours a week in shitty jobs they hate. Why power is sought. Why bridges are built and railroads traversed. Men die for them.

It's based in evolution. Why this is the case is an easily answered question obvious to any who purse it genuinely.

The saddest thing is that women pursue their careers and their egos at the expense of their youth. And when they are 35 and looking to settle down they wonder why they don't get as much attention as they used to. Men don't care about money or status. These are the things men obtain to get young beautiful women. So an older woman with these things isn't worth nearly as much as the young penniless stupid beautiful woman.

And this lie pervades this society. And so many go into middle age in misery. Tricked by the lies. Confronted by the truth. Miserable and bitter.

And the young woman's value is lost forever to the minds of this current insane generation. A generation of fools. The women are at most cost. Selling themselves off cheaply like whores. Because they don't know any better. It's a sad age for gender relations as a whole. A very sad age.

A post made while drinking Pliny the Elder

I drove to Reno across the nations loneliest road. It's a nice catch phrase. But it makes it a sound a bit more epic than it really was. Sure, I saw very little in terms of passenger cars and vegetation. But it wasn't too long, and it was certainly engaging. It's not nearly such a desolate drive as one might think. It was over, honestly, a little too quickly for my tastes. Sometimes I wish I could just drive that road for a long, long time. Without a care whatsoever about any other human being. My own safety or ego or even my own self like a reflection caught in a glimpse in the mirror that I don't try to worry too much about. Nothing but road hypnosis and music. I don't care for much in this life besides music.

Reno was treacherous. I stayed at the Grand Sierra Resort. Like a burning monument in the concrete sand it stood, it's silly stretched acronymic logo greeting me as I finally found the place. I got a good deal at hotwire, as I usually do. Poker room was small and operational. I played. And I got very drunk that first night. My first experience with white russians very well might be my last. The fools playing against me in NLH were helpless. I love playing NLH drunk. I am just too good at the game. Usually the nights run long and the games run short. I might be against 3-4 sober players thinking they have the fish cornered. I have never, ever lost any significant money on these nights. And I have won decently. Perhaps not optimal, but I get action that I never would get before. I somehow become the hustler. It's a glorious thing and I'm very glad for it. Waking up the next morning with a hole in my bankroll would be brutal. But I am an operational poker playing drunk, thank god.

I stay there for a few more nights and break even. Play some limit holdem without knowing how. Stupid but educational. Leave to go to S.F. at 1 am and end up sleeping at a rest area past truckee for 4 hours before continuing. There is a first for everything.

San Fransisco lay ahead.