
Why leave?

I'm bored. I'm lonely. I need a reset button. I need to grow as a person.
I have too many bad habits that I can't break unless I leave.

It's not because I don't value my friends. I wonder if they feel that way, and if so if I could change that perception. Words probably wouldn't be enough. But, truthfully, I think I have been disconnecting myself a little bit from everyone I know. I guess, maybe, it's a defense mechanism to deal with going off on my own.

I can't stay here. I'll just get old and die and do nothing and feel miserable. I don't understand how anyone can do it. I think it's alot easier to do if you have a large circle of close friends, close ties to family, or a committed relationship. So maybe I should be thankful for not having these things, because maybe I'm driven to make something more of myself that some people never feel the need to do.


I'm going to miss my cat

In the process of moving out now. Had a solid going away party thing. Probably got too drunk to properly give props to my very excellent friends.

Surprisingly, I really miss my cat. She wasn't mine precisely, but I basically owned her for a year. And it was really just me and her in this little basement apartment most of the time. I'm actually a little heart broken. I feel like this apartment just isn't the same without her dumb little meows and cute playfulness, and I'm glad I'm leaving.

I think the amount of attachment I had to the cat really correlates with my lack of attachment to others, lack of being able to form such an attachment, along side not having a girlfriend over the course of the last year. It's probably kind of pathetic, but I don't really care. I can have some compassion for myself at this juncture.

I'll miss you, ya silly cat.


Something to avoid

It's not hard to avoid. But for those who have no idea how female sexual attraction works, those who are hopelessly pathetic, passive, and beta...well, they're doomed to hilarious failure.